$feed->set_feed_url(array('http://chrisheadleand.com', 'http://glaciem-world.com/feed/'));
Is there any reason in simplepie why these domains wont parse into a HTML page? The only RSS I seam to be able to get simplepie to work with so far is the twitter RSS feeds
I need to get this working (with autodetect) for rss feeds from wordpress and blogger websites..
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I figured out how to get the error messages from sinmplepie
I'm now getting the follwoing information
Can anyone explain what this means and how I can fix it.
The url I'm using is http://chrisheadleand.com - It works fine on simplepies web demo but not on my site. I have tried two different versions of simplepie with no better results.
Simple answer to this one is that there seams to be a problem with simplepie if the header information in the RSS feed is slightly unconventional. I unstalled the latest version of wordpress and it worked fine.
Cheers for reading!