I'm new to the concept of ROC curves. I've tried to understand it by reading a few tutorials on the web. I found a really good example here in python which was helpful.
I want to plot a ROC curve for multiclass classifier that I built(in Python). However, Most of the solutions on the web are for 2 class problems and not multiclass.
However, I finally found "multiclass.roc" function in pROC package in R which does multiclass ROC curve plotting.
The following is a simple example:
multiclass.roc(aSAH$gos6, aSAH$s100b)
However, I don't understand how to interpret it (as I don't know R).
Can anyone please point out what aSAH$s100b variable refers to? I can say aSAH$gos6 points to different classes of data in aSAH dataset.
Additionally, you might want to look at Fawcett, 2006 for a very nice guide to understanding and implementing ROC plots. He also addresses multi-class ROC and AUC, as well as points to additional resources.