I want to publish one of my applications as open-source and want to digitally sign the binaries I've created with my own certificate. (Of course, anyone else can just download the code and build it themselves with their own certificate.) I want to do this so anyone can check that this build was made by me, not by someone else. I also want to create a secure website with a valid SSL certificate so visitors can create their own accounts in a secure way so they can contribute to this project.
I could create a self-signed certificate, but I don't really like that option. Or I could pay Verisign a few gold pieces to get the certificates that would be valid for just a few years. I don't like that option either, since my treasury is valuable to me.
So, are there any other options? For example, a provider that supports open-source projects by offering certificates for a reduced price? It doesn't have to be free, just a lot less expensive than Verisign...
(The Project is created in C# with Visual Studio 2008. Plus an additional project in ASP.NET that wants SSL.)
You can try CAcert. With this you get certified by other CAcert-users. CAcert has a reputation-based system, so if you are certified often enough your certificate is counted as valid.
You may have to add CAcert as a trusted authority on the target system. Self signing your executable should be a sufficient option but you will need to provide the public certificate. Using a known authority can help verify the file but I think it is over kill in this case use a checksum or sha2 hash of the file in combination with your self signed certificate. You could set up a linux box as a CA however they will need to trust your public certificate.