Search code examples

PERL | Blessed object in hash | Rose::DB::Object

I'm trying to figure out why I cannot access a blessed reference inside of an element:

This is my module:

package Test::Node

    table   => 'node',

    columns => [
        id                             => { type => 'serial', not_null => 1 },
        name                           => { type => 'varchar', length => 128, not_null => 1 },

    primary_key_columns => [ 'id' ],

    relationships =>
      alias =>
        type       => 'one to many',
        class       => 'Test::Alia',
        column_map => { id => 'asset_id' },

This is the sub that I am calling to test:

sub SearchNode {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($opts) = shift;
  my %query = (name => { like => "$opts->{name}%"});
  my %object = (with_objects => ['alias']);
  $object{query} = [%query] if $opts->{name};

  my $records = Test::Node::Manager->get_node(%object);
  my $i = 0;  
  my $record = {}; 
  $record->{page} = 1;
  $record->{total} = 1;
  foreach (@$records) {
    my %items =(
      id => $_->id,
      name => $_->name,
      alias => $_->alias->alias
    $record->{rows}[$i] = \%items; 
  $record->{records} = $i; 
  return $record;

If I use $_->alias I get the following returned:

$ ./ 
$VAR1 = {
          'page' => 1,
          'records' => 1,
          'rows' => [
                        'name' => '',
                        'id' => '1234',
                        'alias' => bless( {
                                            'node_id' => '1234',
                                            'id' => '5678',
                                            'alias' => ''
                                          }, 'Test::Alia' )
          'total' => 1

If I use $_->alias->alias, I receive an error:

Can't call method "alias" on unblessed reference at /usr/local/lib/perl/Test/ line 41.

I'm abit confused since the Dumper output shows that the value of Alias is blessed which seems to contradict the error message.


  • The Dumper output shows that $_->alias return a hash-ref, not an object. To access the alias-object within the structure, you need something like:


    To access the alias-method of that object:
