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How can I copy files from the installer to the hard drive in NSIS but only if they do not already exist or are newer then the existing ones?

At the moment I am using:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\folder\subfolder"
File /r ..\Output\*.*

The problem is when re-installing all files will be overwritten.


  1. How do I copy the files from the installer only if they do not already exist in the target directory?


  2. How do I overwrite those files in the target directory that are older then the ones in the installer?


I found this macro:


  • I think the best solution is to use the SetOverwrite flag:

    This flag can be changed on the fly within a section.

    So to answer the question specifically:

    SetOverwrite off       # Only copy if file does not exist
    File /r ..\Output\*.*
    SetOverwrite ifnewer   # Only overwrite if installers' file is newer
    File /r ..\Output\*.*