I am counting all files in my Pictures folder with
Get-ChildItem C:\pictures -force | Group-Object extension | Sort-Object count -descending | ft count,name -auto
I am then copying all my MTS-files (video) to a separate folder with
Get-ChildItem C:\pictures -force -recurse -include *.MTS | Copy-Item -Destination c:\video
This works nicely. But, how can I create a folder for each year in c:\video
and then copy the corresponding files?
Shay has helped me with accomplishing this and I now have the following code:
# Create a folder for each year and move the specified files to the corresponding folders
Get-ChildItem $fromFolder -Force |
Group-Object {$_.CreationTime.Year} | Foreach-Object {
# Testing to see if the folder exist
if(!(Test-Path $toFolder\$($_.Name))) {
$folder = New-Item -Path "$toFolder\$($_.Name)" Itemtype Directory -Force
echo "Created $toFolder\$($_.Name)"
} else {
echo "Folder $toFolder\$($_.Name) exist"
# Testing to see if the file exist in the target directory
if(!(Test-Path $_.group)) {
$_.group | Copy-Item -Destination $folder.FullName
echo "Copyied $_ to $folder"
} else {
echo "File exist"
It tests the folders OK, but skips all the Test-Path
on files.
Am I breaking the loop somehow? Or messing up the pipeline?
Try this:
Get-ChildItem C:\pictures -Filter *.MTS -Force -Recurse |
Group-Object {$_.CreationTime.Year} | Foreach-Object{
$folder = New-Item -Path "c:\video\$($_.Name)" ItemType Directory -Force
$_.Group | Where-Object { -not (Test-Path "$($folder.FullName)\$($_.Name)") } | Copy-Item -Destination $folder.FullName