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Send allows access to private variables

Consider the following code:

def create_class(class_name, superclass, &block)
    klass = superclass, &block
    Object.const_set class_name, klass

After I do:

create_class('User', ActiveRecord::Base)

the following is ok:

Object.send(:remove_const, :User)

but this:

Object.remove_const :User

results in this:

NoMethodError: private method `remove_const' called for Object:Class

? Does not make sense for me... can 'send' override Ruby's access checks? Please help!


  • It looks like it does override Ruby's access checks.

    My guess is that you would like to play nicely with things other people have made private. If you need to use send to call methods of a class you did not create, you should probably call obj.respond_to on it first.