I have this lines of code:
1) m_ProgressDialog = ProgressDialog.show(m_Context, "", m_Context.getString(R.string.dictionary_loading));
2) //important code stuff: interact with db, change some textview values (= 2-3 seconds if i'm unlucky)
3) m_ProgressDialog.dismiss();
But what happens is that phase 2) happens before 1).. which is wrong. First UI freezes then dialog appears..
phase 2) is some code that interacts with DB, might also change some textViews..but since this might take a while i decided to show that progress dialog so that user would know that really important stuff is going on. I cant use Async for these operations since UI code & db code is mengled, it will only complicate my life
How can i force dialog to show at request ??.. to me it seams that code presented just adds it in a "To do list when i have some free time & i dont have time now" stack..
You are doing your work on the ui thread. You should use a separate thread for this to keep the UI (progress bar) responsive. Have a look at AsynchTask.