I'm trying to create a PK class for a JDO Entity named Item. It's was soo simple with JPA, but now im practicing JDO. I'm using anotation configuration and this is how the two classes look like:
@PersistenceCapable(table="ITEM",identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
objectIdClass = ItemPK.class,schema="mgr")
public class Item {
private long code; //WHY public?
private String producer;
private ItemPK id;
private double price;
private String name;
private String description;
[... getters/setters...]
I want the ItemPK class to be used as a Primary Key class with thoose two columns (code,producer). So this is how the class looks like:
public class ItemPK implements Serializable{
public long code;
public String producer;
public String toString() {
return code+"_"+producer;
public int hashCode() {
[...Eclipse autogenerated...]
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
[...Eclipse autogenerated...]
What I do get after trying to run the code:
[...Caused by]
Nested Throwables StackTrace:
Class pl.edu.pw.mini.entity.jdo.Item has been specified with an object-id class pl.edu.pw.mini.entity.jdo.ItemPK which has a field jdoStateManager which isnt Serializable. All non static fields of an objectId class must be serializable.
org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidPrimaryKeyException: Class pl.edu.pw.mini.entity.jdo.Item has been specified with an object-id class pl.edu.pw.mini.entity.jdo.ItemPK which has a field jdoStateManager which isnt Serializable. All non static fields of an objectId class must be serializable.
As I understand the enhancer adds jdoStateManager to a ItemPK, ad it is not Serializable. But as ItemPK is embedded, either it should not get the jdoStateManager, or JDO should know the difference between jdoStateManager and a regular field. What am I doing wrong to get an embedded class for a 2-column Primary Key
I have no Idea how to make this thing work, can anyone help me, and tell me what am I doing wrong here?
The docs define perfectly well how to do that http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_3_1/jdo/orm/compound_identity.html and it doesn't involve use of @Embedded