I have got myself quite befuddled. I have some code which takes some images, combines them and then spits out the combined image in .png format.
Originally this code was a method for a model - with the model's associations indicating which images to use. Thus:
class Component < Refinery::Core::BaseModel
drawing_accessor :drawing
. . .
class Photo < Refinery::Core::BaseModel
has_and_belongs_to_many :components
has_many :drawings, :through=>:components
def diagram
. . . .
Base64.encode64(png.to_blob) #spit out the png as a base64 encoded string
and in a view I could write
<img src="data:image/png;base64,<%=@photo.diagram%>"
Now, I need to do the same combining of images, but directly from a list of component ids. As the component ids haven't been saved to a photo (and may not be) I need to move this code out of the photo model.
I want to able to call the same drawing code with a parameter that is a list (array or collection) of component ids, regardless of where they come from.
It seems that as the diagram comes from a set of components, it should belong with the components...somewhere.
In my various tries I end up with undefined method
for an ActiveRecord::Relation, or for an Array.
Can you help clarify my thoughts about where this code belongs and how to call it?
Well, the Power of Posting has hit again.
I put in a new route for the components collection:
resources :components do
collection do
get :draw
with a matching definition in the controller
def draw
send_data Component.construct(params[:list],params[:width], params[:height]), :type => 'image/png', :disposition => 'inline'
and a method on the model to draw the components
def self.construct(component_list, width, height)
. . .
Base64.encode64(png.to_blob) #spit out the png as a base64 encoded string
The Photo model includes a method which pulls together the component list then call construct:
def diagram
component_list = []
# construct the list of ids in the right order (bottom to top, or base to capital)
Component.construct(component_list, self.image.width, self.image.height)
And from javascript I can call
var component_list = $("input:checked").map(function(){return this.value}).get();
. . .
$.get(url,{list:component_list, width:width, height:height}, function(data) {
$('img.drawing').attr("src","data:image/png;base64," + data);
I still have doubts about including the methods in the models and not somewhere in a view or view helper, but this does seem to work!