I need PHPUnit and according to their GitHub page I need to use PEAR to install it.
Problem is, PEAR is not installed by default on WINGINX nor does my PHP folder have a go-pear.bat
file as mentioned here: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php.
So, how do I install PEAR / PHPUnit on WINGINX??
Using Apache is not an option since I need to learn to work with NGINX.
There's little to none documentation on this due WINGINX was released only a few months ago.
This tutorial does also not work since WINGINX does NOT support .htaccess
I have found a solution!! Since no documentation about this exists yet, and other people might come across this issue as well, I'll explain here how to fix this:
php go-pear.phar
and press enterpear config-set auto_discover 1 pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
Done! You successfully installed PHPUnit