How do I do this? After copying the files, I need them to be renamed to their origin's computer name.
I got
for %%a in (computerlist.txt) do xcopy %%a\C$\file.txt D:\ /C
Will this work? I'm lost in the renaming part though.
It seems like %%a in \%%a\C$\file.txt is not accepted. When I run it, it becomes \computerlist.txt\C$\file.txt. Same with the destination path. I even tried to put the full path of computerlist.txt inside the parenthesis but still did not work.
Off the top of my head, this should get you started:
for /f %%a in (computerlist.txt) do xcopy \\%%a\C$\file.txt D:\%%a.txt /C
If computerlist.txt
has the leading \\
in the computer name, remove them from the xcopy \\%%a
portion of the line.