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What is the optimal algorithm for generating an unbiased random integer within a range?

In this StackOverflow question:

Generating random integer from a range

the accepted answer suggests the following formula for generating a random integer in between given min and max, with min and max being included into the range:

output = min + (rand() % (int)(max - min + 1))

But it also says that

This is still slightly biased towards lower numbers ... It's also possible to extend it so that it removes the bias.

But it doesn't explain why it's biased towards lower numbers or how to remove the bias. So, the question is: is this the most optimal approach to generation of a random integer within a (signed) range while not relying on anything fancy, just rand() function, and in case if it is optimal, how to remove the bias?


I've just tested the while-loop algorithm suggested by @Joey against floating-point extrapolation:

static const double s_invRandMax = 1.0/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0);
return min + (int)(((double)(max + 1 - min))*rand()*s_invRandMax);

to see how much uniformly "balls" are "falling" into and are being distributed among a number of "buckets", one test for the floating-point extrapolation and another for the while-loop algorithm. But results turned out to be varying depending on the number of "balls" (and "buckets") so I couldn't easily pick a winner. The working code can be found at this Ideone page. For example, with 10 buckets and 100 balls the maximum deviation from the ideal probability among buckets is less for the floating-point extrapolation than for the while-loop algorithm (0.04 and 0.05 respectively) but with 1000 balls, the maximum deviation of the while-loop algorithm is lesser (0.024 and 0.011), and with 10000 balls, the floating-point extrapolation is again doing better (0.0034 and 0.0053), and so on without much of consistency. Thinking of the possibility that none of the algorithms consistently produces uniform distribution better than that of the other algorithm, makes me lean towards the floating-point extrapolation since it appears to perform faster than the while-loop algorithm. So is it fine to choose the floating-point extrapolation algorithm or my testings/conclusions are not completely correct?


  • The problem occurs when the number of outputs from the random number generator (RAND_MAX+1) is not evenly divisible by the desired range (max-min+1). Since there will be a consistent mapping from a random number to an output, some outputs will be mapped to more random numbers than others. This is regardless of how the mapping is done - you can use modulo, division, conversion to floating point, whatever voodoo you can come up with, the basic problem remains.

    The magnitude of the problem is very small, and undemanding applications can generally get away with ignoring it. The smaller the range and the larger RAND_MAX is, the less pronounced the effect will be.

    I took your example program and tweaked it a bit. First I created a special version of rand that only has a range of 0-255, to better demonstrate the effect. I made a few tweaks to rangeRandomAlg2. Finally I changed the number of "balls" to 1000000 to improve the consistency. You can see the results here:

    Notice that the floating-point version produces two tightly grouped probabilities, near either 0.101 or 0.097, nothing in between. This is the bias in action.

    I think calling this "Java's algorithm" is a bit misleading - I'm sure it's much older than Java.

    int rangeRandomAlg2 (int min, int max)
        int n = max - min + 1;
        int remainder = RAND_MAX % n;
        int x;
            x = rand();
        } while (x >= RAND_MAX - remainder);
        return min + x % n;