I can't figure out what's wrong with this. I am trying to add a sub view to my current view. I alloc
and initWithNibName
my SecondViewController
and set its myImageView
parameter that is a UIImageView
. The problem is that when the subView is added the myImageView
is not set.
This is the code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
SecondViewController *secondView = [[SecondViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"SecondViewController" bundle:nil];
secondView.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image1.png"];
[self.view addSubview secondView.view];
if I set an image to myImageView
via Interface Builder it is correctly displayed on addSubview
but if I set the property as described above it doesn't work... The UIImageView
outlet is correctly connected on IB.
this is the SecondViewController
@interface SecondViewController : UIViewController
@property(nonatomic,strong)IBOutlet UIImageView *myImageView;
I believe your problem is that when you call secondView.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image1.png"];
the myImageView outlet has not yet been set. The documentation for initWithNibName:bundle:
says, "The nib file you specify is not loaded right away. It is loaded the first time the view controller’s view is accessed." So you need code like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
SecondViewController *secondView = [[SecondViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"SecondViewController" bundle:nil];
// Force the nib to load, which subsequently sets the myImageView outlet
[secondView view];
secondView.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image1.png"];
[self.view addSubview secondView.view];
However, I don't recommend this approach. You should really set the image of the myImageView outlet in SecondViewController's -viewDidLoad method. That's where it belongs.
// SecondViewController.m
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image1.png"];
And then in the other view controller's -viewDidLoad method, just add SecondViewController's view as a subview like before:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
SecondViewController *secondVC = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SecondViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:secondVC.view];