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Retrieving all values from IGrouping

I currently have:

UIEnumerable <IGrouping<PortableKey, FileInfo>> 

From this code :

var queryDupFiles = from file in fileList
    group file by new PortableKey { Name = file.Name, Length = file.Length } 
    into g
    where g.Count() > 1
    select g;

where the code for PortableKey is:

    public class PortableKey
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public long Length { get; set; }

Basically filtering and grabbing all files that are duplicate. How do I get it so that I have all of the FileInfo in this manner?

List<FileInfo> list


  • You need to use an additional from clause:

    from f in g
    select f

    This translate into .GroupBy(...).SelectMany(g => g)