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How to increase the error limit of 100 errors on IntelliJ IDEA?

I have an IntelliJ IDEA project but the compilation stops when it does encounter more than 100 errors and I would like to increase the limit in order to figure it out how much I do have to "refactor" the ancient code.


  • Note: Although it is possible to change to the Eclipse compiler as suggested by this answer, it is not necessary to solve this particular issue. Instead, you can simply add an argument to your compiler settings that alters the maximum number of errors displayed by the javac compiler (as described in this alternate answer to the question by Nicolas Guillaume).

    As there may be subtle issues that arise when switching to a different compiler or compiler version on an existing project, make sure you understand the consequences given your particular circumstances prior to making a switch such as the one described below.

    This limit is not enforced by IntelliJ IDEA, it's compiler specific (in this case javac compiler has a limit of 100 errors).

    To workaround this problem you can switch to another compiler in Settings | Compiler | Java Compiler. Eclipse compiler should be able to show more errors.