I have two viewstacks one for Main menu and another one for submenu. I want to show viewstack page infomation at the time only one viewstacks . Another one hide . if i click submenu viewstack then Mainmenu viewstack will be hide . How can i do that ? I dont know whether it will be correct or not . If you have any other option for adding submenu and manimenu using view stack plz suggest me .
i tried like ( visible=false) Submenu viewstack is
<mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
<mx:ViewStack x="3" y="94" id="Submenu" height="499" width="905" visiable="false" >
<ns1:Pick15view label="Pick15" x="10" y="10" height="511" width="904" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp">
<ns1:Lottoview label="Lotto" x="0" y="10" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp" height="493" width="902">
<ns1:Trottingbet label="Trottingbet/Galobet" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp" x="362" y="183" height="489">
Main menu viewsttack is
<mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
<mx:ViewStack x="3" y="94" id="MainMenu" height="499" width="905" visible="true" >
<ns1:home label="Pick15" x="10" y="10" height="511" width="904" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp">
<ns1:Contact label="Lotto" x="0" y="10" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp" height="493" width="902">
<ns1:Rule label="Trottingbet/Galobet" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp" x="362" y="183" height="489">
You have misspelled attribute "visible". Should be "visible" not "visiable".
Also you might want to use includeInLayout="false"
<mx:ViewStack x="3" y="94" id="Submenu" height="499" width="905" visible="false" includeInLayout="false">
The same for Main menu.