I'm trying to push my database to heroku runnig command and have an error
~ heroku db:push
Taps Load Error: no such file to load -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native
! You may need to install or update the taps gem to use db commands.
! On most systems this will be:
! sudo gem install taps
I'm using rvm so I run
gem install taps
Than nothing happens and running
heroku db:push
leads to the same error
I use ruby 1.9.3 but for the purposes of db pushing I run command
rvm use 1.9.2-p290@mygemset
Gemsets in1.9.2 and 1.9.3 are identical
What can I do?
Make sure you do not install the taps gem with sudo as they suggest. use the rvm sets and just install in the wanted rvm using gem install taps
that should do the trick