I wrote a simple regex for my application's API:
this becomes
In my testing, the regex works perfectly, constructing correct URLs, but the PHP script is not reporting any GET parameters apart from the action
and format
parameters. The .htaccess which is placed in / is
AddType image/svg+xml svg
RewriteEngine on
#If the URL is just /api, give them the docs
RewriteRule ^api/?$ /app/api/apidoc.php [L]
#Example api/user/update.json?x=fff&y=gggg
RewriteRule ^api/([^/]+)/([^/.]+)\.([^$/?=&]+)(\?(.*))?$ /app/api/$1.php?action=$2&format=$3&$4 [L]
#Example api/user/update?x=000&y=ffe
RewriteRule ^api/([^/]+)/([^/.&=]+)(\?((.*)*))?$ /app/api/$1.php?action=$2&$3 [L]
Don't try to capture additional query string parameters. Instead, append them with the QSA
RewriteRule ^api/([^/]+)/([^/.]+)\.([^$/?=&]+) /app/api/$1.php?action=$2&format=$3 [L,QSA]
Adjust your RewriteRule