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Pieradmin install error: Missing class ImageSegment

I'm attempting to install Pieradmin on a clean image of Pharo 1.4 (Summer), using the commands:

Gofer it
    renggli: 'pier2addons';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfPierAdmin';

ConfigurationOfPierAdmin loadBleedingEdge.

It progresses for a while and comes up with the error:

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: 

You can proceed and it will finish installing all its dependencies.

I have two questions:

  • Where can I get the class ImageSegment?
  • Or, if I can't, does it matter that writeKernel:on: isn't there?


  • Nathan,

    The dependency on ImageSegment is almost certainly coming from the package Pier-Pharo-Persistency defined in ConfigurationOfPier2>>baseline2060: where it is included as part of Core group for Pier ... which at first glance makes it appear that the Pier-Pharo-Persistency is pretty much required for Pier.

    You could fiddle with the ConfigurationOfPier2>>baseline2060: and remove Pier-Pharo-Persistency from the Core group, then try the load again, but you may just be creating another more subtle problem for yourself. It's probably a good idea to ask this question on the Pier mailing list

    OTOH, I'm pretty sure that Pier-Admin works in Pharo-1.3 so that would be your best option.
