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How can to use fn:contains case-insensitive in JSL EL?

I trying to find out if one string contains another. But, unfortunately, fn:contains function is case-sensitive. Are there are any ways to make it case-insensitive?

I tried to put both into one case:

fn:contains(car.color.toLowerCase(), smartBean.txt.toLowerCase()) ? 'true' : 'false'

But it didn't work due to method's brackets. I also can't use f:to-upper inside f:contains function.


  • There's a fn:containsIgnoreCase(). Just use it instead.

    #{fn:containsIgnoreCase(car.color, smartBean.txt)}

    By the way, your failed toLowerCase() attempt should have been done as follows:

    #{fn:contains(fn:toLowerCase(car.color), fn:toLowerCase(smartBean.txt))}

    Using toUpperCase() works as good as well:

    #{fn:contains(fn:toUpperCase(car.color), fn:toUpperCase(smartBean.txt))}

    Perhaps you just made an EL syntax error.

    Note that the ? 'true' : 'false' part is completely superfluous as that's already returned by the function.