I am consuming the betfair API in a c# windows form application,
when i call the getAllMarket() method, i get a long string which includes a no of sting paths like this:
~\Cricket\Group C\England v South Africa\Test Series~
~\Cricket\Group C\English Domestic\Clydesdale Bank 40 2012\Group Winners~
~\Cricket\Group C\England v South Africa\Test Series\England v South Africa (2nd Test)~
so i want to populate a treeview control according to this paths like this:
step 1>Check if the path already exixts, then select the last node on the path,
step 2>else create the whole path and select the last node,
step 3> add a custom child node to he selected last node of the path,
i have never worked with treeviews earlier, but have now learnt the basics and the custom child node is also created already, so a detailed answer would be really helpfull, thanxx in advance
it was for wpf so in windows forms the code should be
List<string> mylist = market.Trim('~').Split(new string[] { @"\" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
if (mylist.Count > 0)
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(mylist[0]);
TreeNode temp = root;
foreach (string s in mylist)
temp = AddNode(temp, s);
treeView1.SelectedNode = root;
the first loop means if the node exists return it, else create it & return it
private TreeNode AddNode(TreeNode parent, string header)
foreach (TreeNode subitem in parent.Nodes)
if (subitem.Text.ToString() == header)
return subitem;
TreeNode tvi = new TreeNode(header);
return tvi;