I recently tried out Microsoft's TFS-in-the-cloud service (TFSPreview.com) and felt the TFS team finally 'gets it'. TFSPreview.com might switch us from GIT+bug tracker+powershell as the integrated workflow actually works (continuous deployment is GREAT!).
Well, almost. Our "one project" test on TFSPreview.com works great for continuous deployment but our 'real' source controls looks like
Question: How can I express the following to TFSPreview.com/Azure's portal/VS2012?
Continuous deployment currently tries to deploy the entire root to Azure and sure enough, fails. On a side note, it would be nice if they enabled continuous deployment for GIT for Azure Cloud services too (not just for Azure Web sites as right now)
Thanks Sid
This is something that has actually been discussed via the online forums at the TFS Deployment to Windows Azure forums.
Specifically, a MS representative has indicated that this is currently not supported (see Continuous deployment with multiple cloud projects in solution), but is something that they need to provide a solution for.