I've installed the latest version of gitolite on Ubuntu:
I'm running
gitolite setup -pk user2.pub
The error I'm getting is:
FATAL: could not symlink /home/git/.gitolite/hooks/common/update to MyRepository.
at /home/git/gitolite/src/lib/Gitolite/Conf/Store.pm line 330
Any thoughts on what is going on?
EDIT: Ok - so the directory
doesn't exist. There is only
What is going on with gitolite?
The store_common()
# override/propagate gitolite defined hooks for all repos
ln_sf( "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/common", "*", "$repo.git/hooks" );
That, in turn, calls ln_sf()
sub ln_sf {
trace( 3, @_ );
my ( $srcdir, $glob, $dstdir ) = @_;
for my $hook ( glob("$srcdir/$glob") ) {
$hook =~ s/$srcdir\///;
unlink "$dstdir/$hook";
symlink "$srcdir/$hook", "$dstdir/$hook" or croak "could not symlink $srcdir/$hook to $dstdir\n";
here seems incomplete. It should be /home/git/repositories/MyRepository.git/hooks
That can be because of anc incorrect initial setup.