I know C# code can be compiled at runtime using C#. However I'm very very shaky at it since I just read about it a few minutes ago. I learn a lot better by examples. So tell me. If I want to compile something like:
// MapScript.CS
String[] LevelMap = {
and use this array in my code, how would I go about it?
In pseudocode I want to do something like this:
String[] levelMap = CompileArray("levelMap");
// use the array
LINQ Expression trees are probably the friendliest way of doing this: Perhaps something like:
You can also generate the IL using OpCodes (OpCodes.Newarr). Easy if you are comfortable with stack-based programming (otherwise, can be challenging).
Lastly, you can use the CodeDom (which your pseudocode resembles), but--while the most powerful tool--it is less ideal for quick dynamic methods. It requires file system permissions and manual reference resolution since you are working closely with the compiler.
Sample from MSDN
var ca1 = new CodeArrayCreateExpression("System.Int32", 10);
var cv1 = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement("System.Int32[]", "x", ca1);
Source - Creating Arrays with the Code DOM
If you want a straight up raw compile of a string, you can omit the object-oriented treatment of the statements and instead just build a big string. Something like:
var csc = new CSharpCodeProvider( new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "CompilerVersion", "v4.0" } } );
var cp = new CompilerParameters() {
GenerateExecutable = false,
OutputAssembly = outputAssemblyName,
GenerateInMemory = true
cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add( "mscorlib.dll" );
cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add( "System.dll" );
cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add( "System.Core.dll" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// The string can contain any valid c# code, but remember to resolve your references
sb.Append( "namespace Foo{" );
sb.Append( "using System;" );
sb.Append( "public static class MyClass{");
// your specific scenario
sb.Append( @"public static readonly string[] LevelMap = {
sb.Append( "}}" );
// "results" will usually contain very detailed error messages
var results = csc.CompileAssemblyFromSource( cp, sb.ToString() );