We are using Paypal Adaptive Chained payments to allow contributions on a crowd funding website. I've got everything working as far as making the payment and being returned to the 'return_url' after a successful payment (in the sandbox).
Paypals documentation on testing IPN in the Sandbox is sparse. Perhaps I missed a setting somewhere to enable IPN callbacks?
I would like to be able to use the IPN callback to verify a successful payment. I would like to see the callback JSON so I know which field to capture and compare with. I have found sample code, but the IPN callback doesn't seem to be called in the Sandbox. I've tried to output the params like so (also the puts statement isn't called):
class BackersController < ApplicationController
include ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations
def callback_ipn
puts "callback: ipn"
notify = PaypalAdaptivePayment::Notification.new(request.raw_post)
puts notify.to_yaml
def callback_return
puts "callback: return"
@backer = Backer.find(params[:id])
@reward = @project.rewards.find_by_id(@backer.reward_id)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :layout => 'application_proj_back_blog' }
format.json { render json: @backer }
(The 'callback_return' action is working)
class Backer < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def purchase
project = Project.find(self.project_id)
default_url_options[:host] = 'localhost:3000'
proj_owner_email = User.find(project.user_id).email
recipients = [{:email => PRIMARY_EMAIL,
:amount => total_pledge,
:primary => true},
{:email => project.paypal_email,
:amount => project_owner_cut,
:primary => false}
response = GATEWAY.setup_purchase(
:action_type => "PAY_PRIMARY",
:return_url => callback_return_project_backer_url(project, self),
:cancel_url => callback_cancel_project_backer_url(project, self),
:ipn_notification_url => callback_ipn_project_backer_url(project, self),
:currency_code =>"USD",
:receiver_list => recipients
puts response.to_yaml
pay_key = response["payKey"]
pledge_transactions.create!(:action => "purchase", :amount => total_pledge, :response => response)
return response["payKey"]
Back in backers_controller.rb, 'def purchase' calls the purchase:
class BackersController < ApplicationController
def purchase
@backer = Backer.find(params[:id])
redirect_to (GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(@backer.purchase))
It turns out my authentication was preventing paypal from calling my ipn listener.