Before I used to allocate and initialize a view controller using initWithNibName, where the parameter for the Nib name is simply the name of the xib/nib file.
However, with the way Xcode/IB works with Storyboards now, I'm not sure what I need to do to initialize a view controller class with it's respective xib/nib.
In my storyboard i have created the view controller and referenced it (from another view controller) and specified it as a Popover type.
Any ideas how this is accomplished?
* Update *
Apple docs says
To identify a specific view controller or segue inside a storyboard, use Interface Builder to assign it an identifier string that uniquely identifies it.
But I can't figure out how to assign a unique id via IB. How to do this?
XCode 4.4 and earlier: Identifier;
XCode 4.5: Storyboard ID
STORYBOARD - doesn't contain a view controller with identifier