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Constructing or composing my own blocks or imps


Does objective-c have any kind of functionality which allows me to compose my own blocks or IMPs on the fly?

By that I mean let me link together arbitrary code snippets into a single block (and then perform imp_implementationWithBlock) or just get an assembled IMP straight up.


(IMP) linkExistingBlock:LBExistingBlock With:^{



(IMP) linkExistingBlock:LBExistingBlock With:LBAnotherBlock


  • If you have two Blocks, just call them. Further, Blocks are objects, and can be put into NSArrays. Then you can enumerate the array and invoke its contents.

    for( dispatch_block_t block in arrayOfBlocks ){


    [arrayOfBlocks enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(dispatch_block_t block, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {

    If you have IMPs, those are just function pointers -- they can be put into a C array, or wrapped in NSValues and put into a Cocoa array. You just need to cast them before you try to call them.

    For your example method signature:

    - (dispatch_block_t)blockLinkingExistingBlock: (dispatch_block_t)firstBlock withBlock: (dispatch_block_t)secondBlock
        dispatch_block_t linker = ^{ firstBlock(); secondBlock();};
        // if compiling with ARC
        return linker;
        // otherwise
        // return [[linker copy] autorelease];