Being new at both Clojure, Noir and Monger I'm facing just a small issue. As seems standard in Noir I keep my models in src/app_name/model_name.clj
The problem I'm facing is that I need to make the same connection to MongoDB in each model, as I don't know how to properly "share" the connection, like so:
(ns app.models.theme
(:require [monger.collection :as mc]
[monger.core :as mg]))
(mg/set-db! (mg/get-db "app_development"))
; Do stuff
How would I go about sharing this connection through the entire app? Thank you.
if you always connect to the same server then just add this in your server.clj (src//server.clj)
If you only use one db within that server you just add :
(mg/set-db! (mg/get-db "dbname"))
to the same file
otherwise you can do for example on an entry point or anywhere in the code
(defpage "/dbname/tothis" {:keys [dbname]}
(mg/with-db (mg-get-db dbname))).....