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Drupal website page load time over 40s, please help me

I have been completed drupal (7.14) .website, but it load page very slow over 40 second.

The site name is: open casino bonus[.]com without space.

I had tried optimization this site such: install modules(boost, filecache, ...), optimization htaccess, gzip, using pagespeed tools, clear css and javascript,... etc but it not change.

I check error file log, it show: "Premature end of script headers: index.php"

Please check page speed test result this page:

Load Time: 51.792s. IP: Location: Singapore Error/Status Code: 200 Start Offset: 0.368 s
DNS Lookup: 50 ms Initial Connection: 318 ms Time to First Byte: 38969 ms Content Download: 856 ms Bytes In (downloaded): 12.3 KB Bytes Out (uploaded): 0.4 KB

Please help me,

Thanks a lot


============ Addition information ===========

Thanks for your reply,

I checked in php.ini, I think it ok, please see at: open casino I also check Performance Report in and I has seed the HTTP request and response very slow. For ex, the request and response at index.php over 15.71s, and over 1.5 second for each request (1 -> 2kb).

Check Latest Performance Report

I created the comparison for 2 server.

My Hosting: playtech.png - 2KB - request: 1.64 second Other Hosting: playtech.png - 2.5KB - request: 46ms

Between 1.6s and 46ms,So I think have problems with my hosting. Do you think so? I using hosting 4GB Deluxe plant for, I'll contact with godaddy and let everybody know for help me :).

I'll try to check my problems.

Thanks all,

Best Regards!



  • I had tried optimization this site such: install modules(boost, filecache, ...)

    You'll get slow page loads if you have too many modules installed. Disable AND uninstall all the modules you don't need.

    I had tried [...] optimization htaccess, gzip, using pagespeed tools, clear css and javascript,...

    If you don't have avaiable CPU, disk space, or memory - these could actually slow things down.

    Site-specific issues affecting page load times:

    As dorien said, check your php_memory in your php.ini file. You can use phpinfo(); to see what your limits are and which php.ini file's being loaded.

    The following site-specific areas affect page load times:

    • The PHP mode your app is running in (mod_php, fast-cgi, cgi, etc.) Each has pros and cons based on your server resources and your website's module and theme dependencies.
    • The PHP memory allocated to your site (More = faster. If you're giving your Drupal site less than 100MB, you're going to fail under load.)
    • The number, size, and dpi of the graphics used in your themes/pages.
    • The number, size, and location of theme assets used in your themes/pages.
    • The loading of theme embedded external resources (css, img, js, etc.) from servers that themselves are slow or reside over high latency WAN connections.
    • The number of modules enabled. (Less = better.)
    • Double compressing your pages (e.g. Your server uses mod_deflate for page compression, but you're also doing it in Drupal.)
    • Using MyISAM instead of InnoDB tables in your Drupal database.
    • Buggy custom themes, modules, or additions to Drupal core. I know, I know... you're code's bug free.
    • APC cache size and segmentation (If APC's being used, make sure it's cache size is big enough to avoid segmentation.)

    Server-specific issues affecting page load times:

    The following broader areas also affect page load times:

    • Other load on the server. You're sure nothing else is slamming your server, right? Right?
    • Resource limits (Is your VPS oversold? How's the RAID configured? If it's a dedicated server, how current/fast is the hardware?)
    • Is your server swapping for memory? If so, MySQL crumbles. As your MySQL goes, so goes your site.
    • Your Apache thread, memory, and prefork settings.
    • Improper MySQL config settings. Check thread, innodb, table cache, and max users settings to start.
    • The load/latency of viewing computer/browser. (No, really. I had someone ask why their site was loading slow when in fact that client was on a 128MB netbook tethered over a mobile phone's 2G Edge network.)