I've been playing with MIT AppInventor and attempted to calculate a duration between two dates.
I take date values from two text fields. Clock.MakeInstant says it's only able to accept dates in MM/DD/YYYY format so I was careful to do that. Still, when I attempt to feed them into MakeInstant it always pops the same message about being able to only accept MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss or MM/DD/YYYY or hh:mm. I printed entered text values before passing them to MakeInstant to confirm that they are not somehow corrupted and they are fine -- each just a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
I have no idea what else to try. As far as I can tell I followed the instructions to the letter. Any examples on how to pass a date as text to Clock.MakeInstant?
see this screenshot source: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/app-inventor-shared-utilities-repository/3bA4wczU9pU/discussion