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Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

I have a time in UTC from which I want the number of seconds since epoch.

I am using strftime to convert it to the number of seconds. Taking 1st April 2012 as an example.


1st of April 2012 UTC from epoch is 1333238400 but this above returns 1333234800 which is different by 1 hour.

So it looks like that strftime is taking my system time into account and applies a timezone shift somewhere. I thought datetime was purely naive?

How can I get around that? If possible avoiding to import other libraries unless standard. (I have portability concerns).


  • In Python 3.3+ you can use timestamp():

    >>> datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0).timestamp()

    In Python 3.2 or earlier, you could do it explicitly:

     >>> (datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()

    Why you should not use datetime.strftime('%s')

    Python doesn't actually support %s as an argument to strftime (if you check at it's not in the list), the only reason it's working is because Python is passing the information to your system's strftime, which uses your local timezone.

    >>> datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0).strftime('%s')