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advice on hyperfile db

At my work, my co-workers are considering using hyperfile as a database server for a windev project. I don't even know that kind of database, it's from PCSOFT, the company that develops windev.

Since windev can also work with microsoft sql server, I'm looking for advice on that kind of database (performance, stability, etc) from people who already used it.



  • It depends on the size of your project. Actually, Windev works well with HyperFileSQL. It has been designed for it ! By using another DBMS, you cut yourself some feature such as direct-reading/modifying/deleting in your tables.

    Your performances will decrease significantly as soon as you have a nice amount of records in a table (> 100'000). Your database management will become a nightmare since you can't execute several SQL requests at the same time. In example, i'm using another tool developped by a french guy to manage my databases and execute some updates.

    Despite of this, it's stable and provides an easy way to interact with Windev's fields.

    In my opinion, Hyperfile SQL should be used with small applications with a small amount of features and datas.