I am completely new to XtraReports (and DevExpress in general) as of today.. I have 2 days to implement a report, so please be kind and provide a thorough explanation if you would.
What I have to work with is:
I did find a site where someone was doing this:
NorthwindEntities entities = new NorthwindEntities();
report.DataSource = entities.Categories;
I tried doing that in the constructor like so:
this.DataSource = context.Tenants.ToList();
but even though I can see there are 8 records, the report shows nothing. I am guessing I need to create some controls and bind them. Has anyone got some working code for this situation?
And in case anyone asks.. yes, I've been searching everywhere already for an example including here: http://documentation.devexpress.com/#XtraReports/CustomDocument9814. That site did show how to bind to a DataSet.. but I don't know how I would use Entity Framework in place of that... which is why I am asking here...
This worked: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q334667.aspx
Apparently you can just drag a bindingSource on there, but you need to add one extra line of code in the designer. In my case:
this.bindingSource.DataSource = typeof(Tenant);
Now I can see the fields list populated with all the properties of that class and can just drag and drop the fields onto the designer..