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String manipulation complexity

I have been programming for one year and I have done string manipulation many times but never understood how it actually works or what the best way of doing it.

Let's say I have this string

String abc = "";

I want to only this part


Characters/Names can change and are dynamic, however "/" isn't. Can someone demonstrate the simplest and the best way of doing it.


  • One thing to bear in mind here, is that if you're dealing with a Uri, you are better off using the Uri class to extract pieces of information than trying to string-mash a solution together.

    For example:

    var part = String.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",uri.Scheme,uri.Authority, String.Join("",uri.Segments.Take(7)));

    Gets the section you're after. Live example:


    Having discovered some more requirement, and frameework limitation, you might be better string mashing this after all, but you can still leverage some functionality from the Uri class.

    var input = "";
    var uri = new Uri(input);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    var parts = uri.PathAndQuery.Split(new char[]{'/'},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
        sb.AppendFormat("/{0}",parts[i])   ;

    Live example: