I would like to get the number of total checkins per user within a certain time frame. This is the kind of result I am looking for:
User: xxxxx Count: 432 User: yyyyy Count: 22
I can use find to list all checkins done by a user, but I am only interested in the count!
Edit: Finding number of checkins per one (known) user at a time would also be ok! Edit: I also need to filter on a certain filetype, e.g. *.java !
Basically, you need to experiment with cleartool find
, using directives from the query language such has:
: For instance, this limit a query for the month of May:
cleartool find . –version "{brtype(main_dev) && created_since(30-Apr) && (! created_since(31-May)) }" -print
-user (login-name)
: this limit for a period, for a given user
cleartool find . -user user1 -element "{created_since(date1) && !created_since(date2)}" -print
So basically, you need to process the result of a find query, in order to sort it by user, and by filename extension.
The only native tool (so without counting external non-free third-party tool) would be to experiment with the ClearCase Report Builder (or "Report Wizard"), and see if you can set the right filters.
(mentioned in "ClearCase list of files with given label type applied").