I've packaged my JQM App using phoneGap (android & ios). It works fine, but shows an issue like a background click/tap event is occurring is some cases. ie If I clicked on a button in popup window the click is propagated to background button. How can I prevent that? Currently i've set an overlay behind the popup and set some delay for the overlay to remove(i dont think it's a good method), but bottom tab bar is showing same issue since overlay cannot be place here.
I found a solution that, bind the event with the clickable elements to a function when popup window is called. Like this :
function callPopupWindow(){
$('#list li a').bind('click',function(e){
//steps to do
$('#list li a').unbind('click');//if not unbinded it will trigger one more event with the elements.
It works in every browser (iphone, andriod and of course in firefox and chrome).