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Asynchronous libpcap: losing packets?

I have a program that sends a set of TCP SYN packets to a host (using raw sockets) and uses libpcap (with a filter) to obtain the responses. I'm trying to implement this in an asynchronous I/O framework, but it seems that libpcap is missing some of the responses (namely the first packets of a series when it takes less than 100 microseconds between the TCP SYN and the response). The pcap handle is setup like this:

pcap_t* pcap = pcap_open_live(NULL, -1, false, -1, errorBuffer);
pcap_setnonblock(pcap, true, errorBuffer);

Then I add a filter (contained on the filterExpression string):

struct bpf_program filter;
pcap_compile(pcap, &filter, filterExpression.c_str(), false, 0);
pcap_setfilter(pcap, &filter);

And on a loop, after sending each packet, I use select to know if I can read from libpcap:

int pcapFd = pcap_get_selectable_fd(pcap);
fd_set fdRead;
FD_SET(pcapFd, &fdRead);
select(pcapFd + 1, &fdRead, NULL, NULL, &selectTimeout);

And read it:

if (FD_ISSET(pcapFd, &fdRead)) {
     struct pcap_pkthdr* pktHeader;
     const u_char* pktData;
     if (pcap_next_ex(pcap, &pktHeader, &pktData) > 0) {
         // Process received response.
     else {
         // Nothing to receive (or error).

As I said before, some of the packets are missed (falling into the "nothing to receive" else). I know these packets are there, because I can capture them on a synchronous fashion (using tcpdump or a thread running pcap_loop). Am I missing some detail here? Or is this an issue with libpcap?


  • This seem to be an issue with libpcap using memory mapping under Linux. Please see my other question for details.