What I want to do is to be able to scan a QR code and then automatically load up the relevant webpage. I've downloaded the Redlaser SDK and examined it as much as I can in the time I've had and one thing I don't understand is where the actual methods of the SDK are. Before I move onto ZBar I'd really like to know how this simple task can be achieved.
This is the SDK.h file:
(c) 2009-2011 eBay Inc.
This is the public API for the RedLaser SDK.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Barcode Symbologies
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN13 0x1
#define kBarcodeTypeUPCE 0x2
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN8 0x4
#define kBarcodeTypeSTICKY 0x8
#define kBarcodeTypeQRCODE 0x10
#define kBarcodeTypeCODE128 0x20
#define kBarcodeTypeCODE39 0x40
#define kBarcodeTypeDATAMATRIX 0x80
#define kBarcodeTypeITF 0x100
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN5 0x200
#define kBarcodeTypeEAN2 0x400
#define kBarcodeTypeCodabar 0x800
typedef enum
RLState_EvalModeReady = 1,
RLState_LicensedModeReady = 2,
RLState_MissingOSLibraries = -1,
RLState_NoCamera = -2,
RLState_BadLicense = -3,
RLState_ScanLimitReached = -4,
} RedLaserStatus;
This function returns the version of the RedLaser SDK, as a NSString.
The primary purpose of this function is checking which SDK version you're
linking against, to compare that version against the most recent version
on redlaser.com.
NSString *RL_GetRedLaserSDKVersion();
This function returns information about whether the SDK can be used. It
doesn't give dynamic state information about what the SDK is currently doing.
Generally, positive values mean you can scan, negative values mean you
can't. The returned value *can* change from one call to the next.
If this function returns a negative value, it's usually best to design your
app so that it won't attempt to scan at all. If this function returns
MissingOSLibraries this is especially important, as the SDK will probably
crash if used. See the documentation.
RedLaserStatus RL_CheckReadyStatus();
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class BarcodePickerController;
The return type of the recognizer is a NSSet of Barcode objects.
@interface BarcodeResult : NSObject <NSCoding> { }
@property (readonly) int barcodeType;
@property (readonly, retain) NSString *barcodeString;
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *extendedBarcodeString;
@property (readonly) BarcodeResult *associatedBarcode;
@property (readonly, retain) NSDate *firstScanTime;
@property (readonly, retain) NSDate *mostRecentScanTime;
@property (readonly, retain) NSMutableArray *barcodeLocation;
The delegate receives messages about the results of a scan. This method
gets called when a scan session completes.
@protocol BarcodePickerControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void) barcodePickerController:(BarcodePickerController*)picker
returnResults:(NSSet *)results;
Searches the given image for barcodes, and returns information on all barcodes
that it finds. This performs an exhaustive search, which can take several
seconds to perform. This method searches for all barcode types. The intent
of this method is to allow for barcode searching in photos from the photo library.
NSSet *FindBarcodesInUIImage(UIImage *inputImage);
An optional overlay view that is placed on top of the camera view.
This view controller receives status updates about the scanning state, and
can update the user interface.
@interface CameraOverlayViewController : UIViewController { }
@property (readonly, assign) BarcodePickerController *parentPicker;
- (void)barcodePickerController:(BarcodePickerController*)picker
This ViewController subclass runs the RedLaser scanner, detects barcodes, and
notifies its delegate of what it found.
@interface BarcodePickerController : UIViewController { }
- (void) pauseScanning;
- (void) resumeScanning;
- (void) prepareToScan;
- (void) clearResultsSet;
- (void) doneScanning;
- (BOOL) hasFlash;
- (void) turnFlash:(BOOL)value;
- (void) requestCameraSnapshot;
@property (nonatomic, retain) CameraOverlayViewController *overlay;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id <BarcodePickerControllerDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanUPCE;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN8;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN13;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanSTICKY;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanQRCODE;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODE128;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODE39;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanDATAMATRIX;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanITF;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN5;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanEAN2;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL scanCODABAR;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect activeRegion;
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIImageOrientation orientation;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL torchState;
@property (readonly, assign) BOOL isFocusing;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useFrontCamera;
#ifdef __cplusplus
The method in question is the doneScanning method - where is the actual body of the method found? There's no source file for the SDK from what I can tell and this is the method I'd need to edit in my own application.
The actual methods of the SDK are compiled into a static library. This library is in the SDK archive at "RedLaser SDK Files/libRedLaserSDK.a". You need to include this library in your application. We do not ship sources to the RedLaser SDK. You should not ever need to edit doneScanning or any of the other SDK methods.
The Sample application included with the SDK has a good example of basic usage. In order to scan a QR Code and open a web page, all you have to do is write a CameraOverlayViewController class that overrides the statusUpdated: method. This method should look at scanned QR Codes passed in via the status dictionary, see if the QR code does in fact contain an URL as its text (Many QR Codes are URLs, but the spec doesn't require it; they could be any text string), and call doneScanning() to exit the scan session when a valid code has been found. Presumably you'd then open a WebView with the URL.
The file "OverlayController.m" in the Sample app has a decent example of how to set this up.