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UINavigation Controller Root View Change

I recently encountered a small problem with Storyboards. I have a UINavigationController than has a relationship with the MainView RootViewController(This one has all the buttons leading to the rest of my app). However, I tried to change the RootViewController so that I could enable persistent login rather than a UIWebview Login. When I made the new Logon Form ViewController as the Root, the buttons on my MainView simply stop working.

I also have set the UINavigationController as the initial View Controller. Any ideas on what has to be done here?

I do know that I can simply have the logon screen in the storyboard and call it programmatically, set it to advance on a boolean condition(loginDidSucceed). However, I am confused on why this behavior happens in StoryBoard.

Solution Referred from: Present Splash/Login ViewController With StoryBoard

Thanks for the Help and Effort!


  • I think the principal problem here is that the target of your butttons is the old view controller instance; when it goes out of scope their target no longer exists.