How would one go about building a multiselect box in Coldfusion without using CFForm or CFSelect?
This is to pull values from a DB so its not just a static select box it is dynamic.
This is my first time every trying to code in ColdFusion, I have always been a .Net person so this is a bit of a change for me.
The reason why I am needing this is because I've gotten hired into a department at work that uses Coldfusion but from what the Lead developer told me is they do not use CFForm and seeing as how CFSelect requires to be inside CFForm I need a different way of doing this.
Use plain old HTML, for example:
<cfquery name="qryUsers" datasource="datasourcename">
SELECT [User].[UserID], [User].[FirstName]
FROM [User]
<form ...>
<select name="users" multiple="multiple">
<option value="">- please select -</option>
<cfloop query="qryUsers">
<option value="#UserID#">#FirstName#</option>