I am launching the MediaPlayer to play a .mov file that is being passed into the MediaPlayer as a Uri (which is standard). However, it is telling me that it cannot play the file. However, if I put this same link on the web, and the click the link to launch the movie (while in my Android browser) the video plays no problem. However, I can't get the WebView to play it with the Video tag despite all my efforts.
So here is my question, what magic is taking place that allows an android browser app to take a .html url which contains a link to play a video and play it? If I load the same url in a WebView, or try to pass the video url into the mediaplayer, it is a no go. The format of the video is .mov.
Thanks in advance to everyone.
The Android browser and WebView are very different, WebView is very barebones as it was designed expecting people to use it for very basic showing html webpages. WebView by default has no plugins enabled, no javascript enabled and so on and so on. Never expect that because something works in the browser that it will work in a WebView.
Now in regards to how the media is handled. The Browser has extra features set up to strip the video source from the page and launch it in the native player most of the time. This functionality is not built into WebView. And the native player is very picky about what needs to passed into it as a URI to be able to play it.
Hope that helps, Stevy888