I have an iPhone app that uses HessianKit to talk to my java server. A couple of the methods I use return custom objects, and I haven't been able to figure out how to make them load as the correct object on the iPhone side.
Here is basically what I have:
in java:
public class QRSet implements Serializable{
protected Pagination pagination;//another custom class
protected int resultSetSize;
protected List results;
//...standard getters, setters, and constructors...
In objective-c
@protocol QRSet <NSObject>
@property (strong, atomic) id<Pagination> pagination;
@property int resultSetSize;
@property (strong, atomic) NSArray * results;
//...not sure how I would need to do getters and setters here...
Originally I had the objective c version as its own class instead of a protocol, but I found there had been a change in how the mapping method works and now it requires this format:
[CWHessianArchiver setClassName:@"com.test.queries.QRSet" forProtocol:@protocol(QRSet)];
This is how I call my service:
id<QRSet> qrSet = [self.proxy doPaginatedList:token :filter :startingIndex];
This however is where I am stuck, if I make my method call to return the QRSet, I still only get an NSDictionary object. Does anyone know what steps I am missing to get it to recreate the QRSet object on the client side?
For objects that are returned from the service, you need to specify the mapping in the CWHessianUnarchiver, like this:
[CWHessianUnarchiver setProtocol:@protocol(QRSet) forClassName:@"com.test.queries.QRSet"];