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Tweener on start AS3

for (var i:int=cardCount; i < numberOfCardsToDispatch;i++){

            Tweener.addTween(packArray[i], {x:packPosX - dealXPos, time:.4, delay:dealDelay, transition:"easeOutExpo", onStart:function(){packArray[i].visible = true;}});


I'm looping through my array, packArray[i] refers to a sprite. I want it so that as soon as the Tween starts the sprite is visible.

The above code does not tween the sprite, just freezes it, as soon as I take onStart out, it works. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?


  • Tweener is no longer maintain. You should try TweenMax.

    Tweener was maintained from june 2005 to june 2009. While it still works, it's not being maintained anymore [...]

    With Tweener:

    Tweener.addTween(packArray[i], {
        time: .4,
        delay: dealDelay,
        x: packPosX - dealXPos,
        ease: "easeOutExpo",
        onStart: function():void { this.visible = true; } // You should use this

    With TweenMax:[i], .4, {
        delay: dealDelay,
        x: packPosX - dealXPos, // Or "-100" if you want to move to the left to 100px
        ease: Expo.easeOut,
        onStart: function():void { packArray[i].visible = true; }