A few days ago, an idea came to my mind regarding a spam-protection technology.
Therefore, I'm in search of an SMTP-server, which is able to be enhanced by filter plugins.
Is anybody aware of an SMTP framework or a SMTP-server, which provides an API for plugins?
I already stumbled upon Apache's james Project, which at least seems to provide a rich set of email-related modules.
I switched to subethasmtp some days ago and belive that its api support what you are searching for.
You can implement some Handlers, to deal with mails.
final MessageHandlerFactory mhf = new MessageHandlerFactory() {
public MessageHandler create(final MessageContext ctx) {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void recipient(final String recipient) throws RejectException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void from(final String from) throws RejectException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void done() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void data(final InputStream data) throws RejectException, TooMuchDataException, IOException {
final SMTPServer srv = new SMTPServer(mhf);