I'm using Flask with Flask-FlatPages
and I'm trying to get a list of all the subdirectories in the Flatpages /pages
folder. These folders should appear as a link that when clicked append the foldername on the url. In the pages folder are two subdirectories: misc and test. I have tried this:
def listdir():
folders = os.listdir('./pages')
return render_template('list.html', folders=folders)
and the template is using this part:
<ul class="unstyled">
{% for folder in folders %}
<a href="{{ url_for("folder", name=folder) }}"><h3>{{ folder }}</h3></a>
but it just gives me an empty page.
i have tried a bit and now it gives me at least an error:
BuildError: ('folder', {'name': 'test'}, None)
With this BuildError, Flask is telling you that it can not find the URL for a view named "folder" that takes a single "name" parameter. Do you have such a view? Please provide all of your views’ code.