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How do I set the size of a node in a .dot file?

I want to set the size of my nodes relative to their impact in the graph, and I need to find some way to have their size appear in Gephi. At the moment, I'm using the following code:

def write_graph_dot(graph, filename, label=None):
    g = AGraph(directed=True)
    nodes = set()
    for key in graph:
        if key not in nodes:
            g.add_node(key, color='red')
            node = g.get_node(key)
            node.attr['fixedsize'] = True
            node.attr['height'] = 1.0
            node.attr['width'] = 1.0
        for value in graph[key]:
            if value not in nodes:
                g.add_node(key, color='black')
            g.add_edge(key, value, color='black')

When I load this into Gephi, however, the nodes are all the same size. Am I missing something?


  • This is not possible.

    Subgraphs are not supported, nor custom attributes or size. Only labels and colors are imported if present. Directed and undirected graphs are supported.

    But you can import "size" as a variable, and then use it to set the size in gephi:

     a [label="Foo"];
     a [mysize = 100];

    (You have to convert to imported variable from a string to an integer first.)