I am looking to do something like get all rows from table
where date >='2012-05-05' and date<='2012-07-20'
I want MySQL to return "group by"
rows mont wise incremented from
2012-05-05 to 2012-06-05(incerement 1 month)
2012-06-06 to 2012-07-06(increment 1` month)
and remaining 2012-07-07 to 2012-07-20 (group the remaining 14 days)
how can i write my query to achieve the same?
Thank you...
Try this solution:
You can GROUP BY
the number of months elapsed from your parameter minimum (2012-05-05
) + 1 to the date in each row via the TIMESTAMPDIFF() function:
The reason why we +1 day to your minimum parameter is because:
to 2012-06-04
is 0 months, but...2012-05-05
to 2012-06-05
is 1 month^ Because of that, the row(s) on 2012-06-05
would be grouped separately from dates that had 0 months elapsed when we actually want it grouped WITH them.
Edit: I was fiddling around with this solution not only grouping by the month intervals, but also displaying the from and to dates of each interval.
Check it out: