If I have a template variable called num_countries, to pluralize with Django I could just write something like this:
countr{{ num_countries|pluralize:"y,ies" }}
Is there a way to do something like this with jinja2? (I do know this doesn't work in jinja2) What's the jinja2 alternative to this?
Thanks for any tip!
According to Jinja's documentation, there is no built in filter which does what you want. You can easily design a custom filter to do that, however:
def my_plural(str, end_ptr = None, rep_ptr = ""):
if end_ptr and str.endswith(end_ptr):
return str[:-1*len(end_ptr)]+rep_ptr
return str+'s'
and then register it in your environment:
environment.filters['myplural'] = my_plural
You can now use my_plural as a Jinja template.