I am using the ebay trading api to get a sellers stock which is currently listed. I am using the call GetSellerList.I am having trouble parsing the xml which I would then insert into there website shop.
This is the xml request.
<GetSellerListRequest xmlns='urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'>
<ErrorLanguage>RFC 3066</ErrorLanguage>
I am not the best with php, I am still learning so i have looked through w3schools and php docs and found nothing. I have been using this (off of ebay tuts) to try and get the values of the xml tags by using getElementsByTagName.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$titles = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Title')->length > 0 ? $dom->getElementsByTagName('Title')->item(0)->nodeValue : '';
Now i was hoping that i would be able to create an array with this then use foreach to insert them into the db but when i use this it only gets the value of the first 'Title' tag
Im sure there is a way to create an array with all values of 'Title' in it. All help is appreciated.
This would be easier to answer if you posted the response XML (just the relevant portion) rather than the request.
The code you have will only grab the first item - specifically this part:
Rather, you'll want to loop through all the Title
elements and extract their nodeValue. This is a starting point:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$title_nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Title');
$titles = array();
foreach ($title_nodes as $node) {
$titles[] = $node->nodeValue;